Am 1.9. hat der Chef von ComiXology David Steinbrenner eine Mail an alle Kunden verschickt das nun eine weiter Stufe der Integration zwischen ComiXology und Amazon statt finden soll. Der Shop auf wird in Zukunft angeschaltet und alle Käufe erfolgen dann über die Amazon Webseite. Gleichzeitig soll ein großes Update der App erfolgen die mehr Übersicht und schnellere Download verspricht. Der vollständige Wortlaut der Mail folgt weiter unten.

Da ich bereits in der Vergangenheit leichte Probleme mit der Tatsache hatte das und zwar die selbe Kontenverwaltung nutzen, aber es z.B. nicht möglich ist über Kindle Artikel zu kaufen habe ich hier Probleme kommen sehen und die bereits auf Twitter angesprochen.

Hieraus hat sich eine Dikussion auch mit dem ComiXology Support ergeben die darauf schließen lässt das dort noch nicht alle Probleme bedacht wurden. Wenn die ComiXology Seite wirklich verschwindet, die Konten aber tatsächlich mit den Konten verbunden werden wird es interessant zu sehen sein ob man in Zukunft zwei Accounts benötigt oder wie das ganze laufen soll.

Schon aus Eigeninteresse werden ich das weiter beobachten.

Hier die Mail:

Hello, Friends!

For those of you who don’t know me, I’m David Steinberger, co-founder and CEO of comiXology. It’s been a while since I personally wrote to comiXology customers, but it’s for a good reason: the comiXology team has been hard at work making important changes that you’ll start to see soon, and today I’m excited to share what’s coming.

First, though, I want to ask you to merge your comiXology and Amazon account so you can use these new services — in fact, once we update this fall, you’ll need to use an Amazon account to use comiXology at all. You can do so, here. Thanks!

In 2014, comiXology did what all great comic book heroes do: a major team-up. Teaming up with Amazon was the best way to support our mission — to make everyone on the planet a lifelong comics, graphic novel, or manga fan. Since then, we’ve been adding features like Guided View and comiXology Unlimited to Amazon and the Kindle app. We made our amazing comiXology Originals titles available free-to-read with a Prime Reading, Kindle Unlimited, or comiXology Unlimited membership. These additions have helped us reach more readers of comics, graphic novels, and manga than ever before.

This fall, we’re introducing an upgraded comiXology app along with a new way to shop for digital comics and manga on Here are some of the changes you can expect:

  • Our upgraded comiXology app will feature flexible filtering and sorting, and some fun book navigation features.
  • A revamped digital comics shopping experience on Amazon where you’ll be able to browse, buy, and borrow books to read on either the comiXology or Kindle app. You can visit the new shopping experience today as we continue to bring new features online. will redirect to this new experience when we launch.
  • Faster, more reliable downloads on Android and iOS devices. Plus read-while-downloading is new for Android customers. (Yes, we’ve heard you!)
  • Kindle Unlimited and Prime members will be able to borrow from a large library of graphic novels and manga and read on the comiXology app, in select countries.
  • ComiXology purchases will be readable on Kindle apps and devices. Soon, you’ll also be able to read purchases from comiXology on the Kindle app, giving you more flexibility to decide where and how you read your books.

The team and I can’t wait to share more about our new features and exciting changes over the next couple of weeks.

If you have questions I didn’t cover in this email, visit our FAQ or join our conversation on Twitter.

Thanks for being a reader of and an advocate for this amazing art form. I’m truly grateful to work with such a passionate team of comic and manga lovers. I look forward to releasing our new app this fall and following up with great new features and improvements at a more rapid pace.

For those of you who haven’t enjoyed a comiXology Original title yet, read Kel McDonald and Tyler Crook’s The Stone King for free until 9/30/2021 as a token of our appreciation. I love this book!

All the best,

Co-founder and CEO of comiXology
GM Digital Comics, Amazon

PS: I wanted to share something pretty amazing: Stephen King’s new novel, Billy Summers, has not one but two mentions of @comixology in the story. That’s a nice feeling…

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